The Nature of Reality: A Synthesis of Science and Self
Understanding the intricacies of reality has always captivated and eluded me. The enigmatic nature of our existence and the complex web of phenomena that surround us ignite a deep desire within me for a more profound understanding. In this article, I embark on a journey to present a new perspective on reality, one that integrates scientific knowledge with my personal experiences and observations.
I find it crucial to acknowledge the limitations of existing systems of thought, such as occult Hermeticism, religious dogmatism, and scientific theory. While these systems have offered valuable insights throughout history, I recognize that they may fall short in providing a comprehensive understanding of reality in a way that is practical for any one individual outside the realm of academia. By acknowledging their limitations, I open myself to the possibility of exploring alternative avenues of thought and embracing a more evolved viewpoint.
My goal is to weave together scientific knowledge, my academic mastery of religious dogmatism, and my personal observations, crafting a tapestry of understanding that transcends traditional boundaries. By integrating objective scientific principles with the subjective richness of my experiences, I believe I can unlock new insights and gain a deeper appreciation of the world around me.
Through this exploration, I aim to shed light on the interconnectedness of various disciplines and bridge the gap between scientific rigor and personal meaning. By embracing the complexity of reality, I strive to uncover a unified perspective that resonates with both my intellect and my intuition.
Join me on this intellectual and philosophical adventure as I journey beyond the constraints of conventional wisdom. By embracing a holistic approach that honors both scientific inquiry and personal exploration, I hope to offer a fresh perspective on reality that sparks curiosity, inspires growth, and expands our understanding of what it means to be alive.
Everything is Mental:
The concept of "Everything is Mental" is attributed to the first Hermetic principle, often associated with Hermes, an enigmatic figure of ancient wisdom. While it may initially seem confusing and dismissible, this principle holds profound truths that are vital to understanding the nature of reality. However, I recognize that the presentation of Hermeticism can be cumbersome and inaccessible to those who are not inclined towards mysticism or unconventional statements like "Everything is Mental."
In my personal journey of exploring reality, I have drawn inspiration from my upbringing in Mormonism, which provided a foundation for my curiosity about the world. Breaking free from dogmatic beliefs was both natural and necessary for me, leading me towards a phase of nihilism where I questioned the purpose of life. It was through my love for science, particularly subjects like biology, chemistry, atomic physics, and cosmology, that I found solace and a renewed sense of purpose.
Embracing scientific knowledge and learning through engaging educational content allowed me to approach these disciplines without the constraints of religious dogma. Exploring the atheistic presentations of figures like Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and Sam Harris, alongside my ongoing spiritual exploration and curiosity about the occult, led me to a unique perspective that harmonized both science and spirituality.
I believe that I have arrived at a comprehensive understanding of the nature of everything, an understanding that may elude scientists who are confined by dogma and the monetization of knowledge. It is through this synthesis of science and spirituality that I present my summation of all things. While I won't provide citations or peer reviews, the underlying facts and truths are verifiable through your own research. Allow these truths to resonate with you, as their reality can be deeply felt and practically applied in your life.
Everything is Physical:
Let us begin with a recent revelation that took me a lifetime to grasp: "Everything is Physical." This statement directly contradicts the established Hermetic principle but provides a crucial key to understanding reality. By redefining our understanding of what it means to be physical, we can unravel a fundamental misconception.
Examining the physics of solidity, we encounter the truth that at both the macroscopic and atomic scales, objects can pass through each other without collision. When the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies eventually converge, they will not collide but rather intermingle their gravitational pulls, passing through each other intact. This principle applies on the atomic scale as well. The reason your hands clap together instead of passing through each other is electromagnetic forces. The atoms in your hands do not truly interact; instead, the electrons within them form clouds of probability, held in place by electromagnetism. Thus, the physical structure of your hand primarily consists of empty space, electron clouds, and interweaving electromagnetic forces. This force is strong enough to create the illusion of solidity, but as we delve into smaller scales, the term "physical" becomes increasingly nonsensical.
To liberate ourselves from ignorance about the nature of all things, we must relinquish the notion that solidity implies structures of objective matter that can collide. This simplistic understanding is a fallacy. By dismantling this conceptual shorthand, we take the first step towards a more profound understanding of reality.
The Nature of the Mind:
While the idea that "Everything is Mental" may be appealing because it validates our own mental experiences, I intend to challenge the existence of the mind, despite the distress it may cause to our perceived understanding of it. I must acknowledge that the desire for validation is as powerful as the electromagnetic force holding our bodies together. It acts as a steel cage, preventing the acceptance of new information if it is perceived as a threat to the shorthand we use to make sense of the world.
To embark on this exploration, we need to acknowledge the observable reality of the mind and recontextualize our understanding of it within safe and contained truths. The primary function of the brain is pattern recognition. The brain's ability to recognize patterns effectively enables it to form instinctual reactions to perceived dangers, thereby increasing survival and reproductive success. For instance, a rustle in the bushes might indicate danger, prompting brains that possess pattern recognition for such cues to propagate this ability through future generations. We also learn language, which is a pattern of vocalization and bodily expression that can be distilled into meaning, such as information about danger or food.
In my personal experience, I was unable to fully grasp the impact of these truths while trapped within religious dogma, primarily due to my belief in the creation of fully formed human beings by a divine entity. This belief represents yet another form of shorthand, a symbolic pattern that simplifies and distills complex truths into something comprehensible and functional. Breaking through these symbolic shorthands and delving into complex facts is challenging, and the process of unraveling religious beliefs, for example, is not essential for survival. In fact, it can be a treacherous journey. For me, it involved teetering on the edge of nihilism and sinking into absolute despair. However, driven by curiosity and an unwavering belief that answers awaited me, I persevered, and now I am here to share my discoveries with you.
From ancient lore to cosmic truths, if you can grasp these complex ideas and distill them into new, non-dogmatic, and functional observations of reality, I propose that you have the potential to transcend naivety and attain a godlike understanding on your own.
Thoughts are Physical:
The human brain indeed represents the pinnacle of complexity in our known universe. Its intricate structure resembles a network of plant roots or the circuitry of a sophisticated circuit board. Within this physical framework, neurons and synapses intertwine, forming a vast web of connections. What is truly remarkable is that these connections enable the transmission of actual electrical impulses. When we scan an active brain, we can observe patterns of activity, manifesting as waves of energy and heat. These observable phenomena give rise to clusters of pathways that are translated, in real time, into the thoughts we experience within our "mind." Hence, thoughts are undeniably a physical occurrence.
As we develop and grow, the patterns of thoughts within our brain gradually take shape. The physical structure of our brain is influenced by a combination of genetic factors and the impact of our lived experiences. The nature versus nurture debate, often presented as an either-or dichotomy, can be viewed as somewhat misleading. In reality, our thoughts are physical imprints on the structure of our brain, shaped by the sensory input we receive throughout our lifetime. The intensity of these thoughts is directly linked to the intensity of the emotions we experience while processing that sensory input.
When we speak of memory, we are referring to well-formed imprints on the mind. It is worth noting that our strongest memories are often associated with events that have evoked powerful emotional responses. These memories tend to be etched into our consciousness immediately upon receiving the sensory input. However, they can also be reinforced and even reshaped over time as we consciously revisit them with renewed emotional intensity.
Therapeutic approaches like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) leverage this understanding of the mind. By deliberately recalling old memories and reducing their emotional intensity, EMDR helps alleviate trauma responses such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other forms of debilitating anxiety. It strips these memories of their overwhelming power, allowing individuals to regain control and find relief from the emotional burdens caused by overreaction to the fear of the repetition of the patterns of trauma built into the fabric of our brain. Overcoming such anxiety leads to an increase in physical health virtually every single time.
Death and Soul:
The notions of the spirit or the soul serve as convenient symbolic representations, but they lack a basis in observable reality. By unraveling these concepts as symbolic representations of something more intricate, we arrive at the realization that their essence is already familiar to us: deep, meaningful motivations. In music, we employ the term "soul" to capture the profound significance and emotional resonance of a song. In the context of sports, we use "spirit" to describe the energetic motivation and passion exhibited by spectators. The religious concept of the soul or spirit follows a similar pattern. The only distinction lies in the linguistic use of these terms to rigidly signify something dogmatic and concrete. However, it is simply inaccurate to employ these words to imply the existence of an ethereal form of our self that endures beyond death.
When death occurs, the firing of energy across our physical brain ceases, our thoughts come to an end, and our body no longer sustains its delicate state. The brain, consisting mostly of soft gray matter protected by the skull, consumes a significant portion of our body's energy and nutrition to maintain its functionality (approximately 20-30% of the body's energy). With the cessation of life, this support system collapses, and the brain, with its imprints of memory and synaptic patterns, begins to deteriorate. At that point, the self ceases to exist. There is no soul, spirit, or consciousness that persists in an afterlife.
By acknowledging the absence of an afterlife-consciousness and dispelling the notion of a soul or spirit, we can focus on understanding the intricate workings of the mind, the complexities of human motivation, and the significance of our experiences in the present existence.
Body and Self:
Accepting the concepts discussed above allows us to perceive ourselves in a more authentic light. The fear of death, once subdued by religious dogma, resurfaces. However, it is important to recognize that fear of death is a natural and necessary aspect of human existence. This fear serves as a powerful motivator for self-preservation, driving us to prioritize safety, health, reproduction, and the well-being of our children. It compels us to attend to our needs and, once those needs are met, provides a reason to live well. Embracing the fear of death condenses our existence into the timeline of our expected lifespan, with the uncertainty and inevitability of death ever present in our future. Rather than shaming or suppressing this fear, we should acknowledge and respect it while continuing to live our lives to the fullest.
You are a singular body, and that is the entirety of your existence. Your thoughts are intricately woven into your physical being, illuminated by electric waves and translated into the symbols you have acquired through pattern recognition—language, shapes, objects, and so on.
This profound reality forms the truth about who and what you are, converging into a unified acknowledgement.
What does this mean for your sense of self? The answer lies in your own hands. You are who you are in this moment because you are a human who has undergone a unique life experience. This shapes everything from your physical form and health to your thoughts and habits. Your behaviors are patterns you have acquired, not unlike the language you have learned. Once you grasp this, you hold the power to transform your entire personality. There is no need for envy or shame. There is only the acceptance of what you are in the present and the conscious conditioning of what you aspire to become. By cultivating a clear vision of your desired self, considering both controllable and uncontrollable factors, you can make real-time decisions aligned with that vision in each passing moment. Over time, you can reshape the behavioral patterns that constitute your personality, including fears, desires, talents, trauma responses, and perceptions of the world. This knowledge empowers you as the master of your body and your own being. The next step is to venture into the world and conquer it. Love, career success, bodily well-being—they are within your grasp. Understanding these truths liberates us from the self-imposed limitations that serve as mere excuses for inaction toward our goals.
Building upon the understanding that everything is mental and the implications it has on religious dogmatism, we can now consider how this knowledge influences our life purpose. These fundamental scientific truths directly contradict many major religious beliefs, and with this realization, we can liberate ourselves from systems that restrict our potential, diminish our vitality, and exert control through tyrannically prescribed purpose.
Given this new knowledge, it is essential to examine and redefine our individual life purposes. Like Tarzan swinging from vine to vine, as we let go of the simplistic misconceptions of our childhood, we also release the security they provided. However, it is crucial not to fall aimlessly but to reach out and grasp another vine. The obvious next vines are self-mastery and legacy, but which one to choose depends on your specific circumstances. If you don't have dependent children, self-mastery becomes the focus. If you have children, investing in their growth and well-being becomes paramount. For those whose children are grown and no longer dependent, pursuing a legacy takes precedence.
The freedom associated with this knowledge can be both lonely and terrifying if we lack a sense of purpose. Our brains are wired to solve problems and seek out new patterns to conquer. Your biological sex and personal circumstances will shape the range of options for your life purpose, and the choice is yours to make. Regardless of your decision, having a clear vision is crucial. Close your eyes and envision a moment in which you are at the center, a moment that embodies success and fulfillment, with a legacy that brings you satisfaction and a body that feels good. Visualize the details—what it looks like, sounds like, smells like, and so on. Take the time to write it down, as writing taps into the symbolic shorthand of your brain and is a powerful tool passed down by your ancestors. Documenting your vision is an essential step. Don't worry about the precise path to achieving it; this is where faith comes into play.
Craft a vision that feels attainable, with every decision you make from now until the end of your life guided by that vision. This is the essence of purpose. By harnessing the power of your vision, you can tame the fear of death and nihilism like a mighty steed, galloping toward your aspirations. Along this journey, you will discover that the satisfaction of your vision is experienced even before its complete fulfillment. Vision begets purpose, and purpose begets joy. This pursuit of happiness is synonymous with personal power and self-actualization, something that can only be fully understood through firsthand experience.
As I conclude this exploration of the nature of reality, I am filled with a profound sense of awe and gratitude. The journey of understanding has opened doors to new realms of knowledge and has allowed me to glimpse the boundless possibilities that lie within each of us. The transformative potential of comprehending the intricacies of reality is truly awe-inspiring.
I encourage you, the reader, to embrace this newfound understanding and apply it to your own life. Embrace the power that comes with recognizing the interplay between scientific principles and personal experiences. Allow this knowledge to guide you on a path of self-discovery, growth, and fulfillment.
We are fortunate to live in a time where information and ideas flow freely, enabling us to embark on our own unique journeys of exploration. Let us seize this opportunity to delve into the depths of our own existence, to challenge conventional wisdom, and to uncover truths that resonate with our individual souls.
I am humbled and grateful for the privilege of sharing these insights with you. May they serve as a catalyst for your own intellectual and spiritual evolution. Embrace the unknown, cultivate curiosity, and embrace the complexity of reality. In doing so, may you find profound meaning, joy, and a deeper connection with the world around you.
Remember, the journey of self-discovery is never-ending. As you move forward, be open to new insights, expand your perspectives, and continue to question the nature of reality. Your unique journey is waiting, filled with infinite possibilities. Embrace it, and may it lead you to a life of fulfillment, purpose, and profound self-awareness.
Thank you for joining me on this adventure. May your path be illuminated with wisdom, and may your explorations inspire others to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery. Together, let us unlock the mysteries of the universe and embrace the beauty of our existence.
Help on your Journey:
My journey from religious dogmatism to this new worldview was hard-fought. I struggled to the point of requiring professional therapy as an aide during my transition. I suffered the emotional bedrock of despair and grief. I am grateful that my life prepared me for trudging through the muck of nihilism and I would like to pass on some tools to you in case embracing these ideas requires you to relinquish your religion or to endure similar catastrophic life changes.
I wrote those articles to outline practical ways to adjust your mind and prepare yourself for a powerful life journey. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with thoughts, comments, or concerns. I’m more than happy to be there for you. This journey is not easy alone.
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